Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Our Hospital Visit

Alan got his line taken out yesterday, his 2 weeks of IV'S are finished and it has made him feel a lot better in himself. He got his results from his glucose tolerance test and his levels are a little high, they have to be monitored for a month to see what the results are, He also has been having rectal prolapses again so the Dr has referred him to the surgeon to repair it again, last time we saw the surgeon he said that a part of his bowel would need to be taken out so we are just waiting on an appointment to come through.It seems to be one thing after another for Alan poor wee soul , but although looking at him i can see in his eyes he gets down, when you ask him he never ever complains he is a little star and i am so proud of him. He got a new Star Wars toy yesterday for being so brave he loves star wars at the moment.

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